Monday, June 8, 2009

Its my birthday and I'll grind if I want to!

Hey people yay its almost my Bday and Im pretty psyked to make a 1/4 century! Just a few things to mention today. The limit for riding hard is officially 8 days straight without your body seriously going into shock :( Haha its been a solid last few days, myself and Chris got our Jihad on and bombed some rad stuff across SJ. Did some filming for a lil edit that is proving to be difficult to line up times with Chris hehe. Should be good though. Riding has been solid getting alot of time in and should payoff well. Work is the same stuff just repetitive and I take off in a hot second to go there again for the 4th day in a row but Im makin money so no worries right? Evo should be arriving anyday now haha kinda excited to find out who bought it for me! Im out this piece mayn send a text to ur boy tomorrow or you cAN GIT FUCKED! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Bleated Bday!
